Friday 19 August 2016

Chierika Ukogu Did Not Sponsor Herself To The Olympics!

             This is to shut down all the rumour and clear the air concerning Nigeria's Representative at the Ongoing Olympic games...

 Chierika,a medical student who has since returned to America was entered into the rowing competition for Nigeria but as has been speculated in the press,she DID NOT sponsor herself to RIO 2016.

''Good Day Stella,

I am regular visitor of your blog and I must say you are very precise, genuine and professional in the way you run your blog please keep it up.

My name is..... (NAME WITH HELD) I am the PR /Brand Manager...... (WITH ALSO HELD BY ME)

I read your story today on Cherika the athlete who represented Nigeria at the ongoing Olympics and how she sponsored herself to Rio and I decided to reach out to you so as to correct the notion out there.

The Rowing federation met Cherika less than a year ago via an email she sent in and in August for the 1st time in France. She was introduced by another athlete.
The federation registered her for the World Cup immediately which held in August in France, got the world body FISA to pay for her feeding ,hotel accommodation and local transportation together with her coach.

The federation president Admiral Porbeni paid her allowance for this trip,afterwards the federation registered her for the Olympic Championship in Tunisia last October and all expenses where sponsored including her allowance which was also paid by the president.

Immediately she qualified the federation got her International Olympic committee scholarship which is valid for 10 months .

The Africa Olympic Commission also gave the scholarship for support towards the Olympic.

Cherika didn't pay a dime for her ticket to the Rio Olympics neither did she fly her boat there herself.
On the 12th of August in the presence of other athletes the Ministry paid her her Olympics allowance in full and also gave her coach the allowance that was accrued to him.
All she has gotten has been through the federation.

I took my time to explain so you would use your good office to spread the truth of this whole story and curtail the lies being spread out there''

Phone numbers were provided and This story has been verified by SDK from the relevant sources and Chierika or her press can react to this story if they want.
I think it is important that we put the true story out there.
The Relevant Bodies will issue a press report correcting this soon.

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