Thursday 25 August 2016

Popular Nigerian Rapper 'Illbliss' Quits Music

Tobechukwu Melvin Ejiofor, popularly known by his stage name ILLBLISS, is a Nigerian rapper/ hip-hop recording artiste, stage performer and businessman.
The rapper announced on his social media handle his exit from music (?)

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Woman Hired friend To Cut Off Hand And Foot In Insurance Scam

A woman in Hanoi allegedly hired a man to cut off her hand and foot in what is believed to be an attempt to scam an insurance company out of nearly VND4 billion ($180,000), local police said Tuesday.

Ly Thi N., 30, faked a railway accident to make a claim three months ago, police in Bac Tu Liem District said.
On May 5 Doan Van D., 21, reported to the police that a woman had been injured in a railway accident in Bac Tu Liem.
At the scene, the police found N. with her left hand and left foot severed.
She told the police she had been wandering near the railway track when a train that went by "dragged" her in.
D., a stranger, happened to be on the spot and saw the accident, she said.

However, the police later found out that N. and D. knew each other.
After further investigation, they established that N. had paid D. VND50 million to hack off her hand and foot and fake the accident to make the insurance claim.
A source told Thanh Nien that N. had incurred losses in her business and bought a large insurance policy.

The police said they are investigating further to decide what charges to bring against the duo.

Doctors had reattached N.'s severed hand and foot, but had to remove them four days later after gangrene set in.



Pest Controller Strangled By Huge Python While Filming TV show

A pest controller almost got strangled by a python while filming a reality TV show in Australia. 
Craig Freeman, from Birmingham, was shooting for the series Deadliest Pests Down Under.
His face went bright red as he was slowly strangled by the snake in the frightening footage.
Yet the desperate dad managed to slither free.
Craig, who runs the company Stop That Pest, was selected last year along with eight other Brits to experience pest control, Aussie style.
 Craig told the Birmingham Mail......

 When I saw the snake I told them they were having a laugh,” 
“The snake’s head was bigger than my hand.
“The camera man had to rest the camera on his knee because he was bent over double laughing so much.I don’t like snakes or spiders or anything like that, I’m terrified of most things.“I work in pest control but I hate all those types of things.
“I didn’t want to do it, and I just went to pieces.
“I kept thinking of myself on the news, getting strangled by a python on TV.“But I thought to myself that I can’t let the Brummies down back home.“I went to grab it and it went for me. It throttled me.”

Teen Dies Of Heart Attack After Scammers Stole University Fees Gathered By Her Poor Family

A teenager died of a heart attack two days after the cash her relatives had saved for her to go to university was stolen by a crook. 
Xu Yuyu, 18, was all set to be the first person in her family to go to college next month.

Her proud relatives, from Linyi City, in East China’s Shandong Province, had spent a year scraping together the £1,128 she needed for her tuition fees.
According to UK Mirror, excited and proud at the prospect of going away to study, she wasn't suspicious when a phone scammer called her up.
She was asked to transfer the money for her fees to a bank account by a person claiming to be from the education ministry.

Her heartbroken father
The girl’s family said they had no reason to suspect fraud, and Xu quickly ran to her local Agricultural Bank of China branch to wire the money over.

 But when they eventually found out that no such grant was forthcoming and that Xu’s entire tuition for her studies at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications had been swindled from them, the girl fell unconscious and was rushed to hospital.
According to reports, Xu later died of the heart attack in spite of two days’ of treatment in hospital.
Linyi authorities are reportedly on the case, but reports suggested it may be incredibly difficult to trace the source of the scam.

OAP Freeze Confrims Funke Akindele & JJC Skillz' Are Married

 Funke Akindele and fiancee JJC Skillz real name Abdulrasheed Bello are said to be married .Images shared on snapchat appear to confirm they got married yesterday .The actress who turned 39 today is said to have gotten married in a private ceremony in London.JJC's daughter Tamira Bello shared some photos which appeared to be from the wedding..
Congrats to them.

Pregnant Nigerian Woman In Labour Brutally Attacked And Robbed

Police today, August 24th, released an e-fit of mugger who attacked a Nigerian woman while she was in labour. The suspect punched her in the face and stole her phone as she tried to call her family.

On June 26th, Patience Chukwu, 40, had left her home in north London to take a bus to hospital and was having contractions when the man swiped her Samsung Galaxy from her hands.

"I took out my phone to call my sister and tell her I was on the way to the hospital when the boy came up to me. He stood in front of me and I thought he was about to ask for directions. He was standing there staring at me and then he snatched the phone from me. As he grabbed it, I grabbed him by the hood. I was trying to recover the phone. He just hit me. He went to hit me in the stomach, so I bent double and the blow hit me in the face."

The attacker got on his BMX to flee but Ms Chukwu grabbed him. "He was dragging me and I was screaming," she said. 
"Then he hit me for a third time and I went blind for a short time. So I let go and he was gone. 
"It was horrifying. I sat there afterwards shaking and shivering"

Ms Chukwu was initially treated on the street by police after the assault, which took place on a Sunday at about 10am in Leadale Road, Stamford Hill. She was taken to Homerton hospital, where medics took her into theatre for a Caesarean section after being unable to detect her child’s heartbeat.

Her son, Kamsi Kishi, was born hours later with complications. He suffers from seizures, which police today said are a result of the attack. 
Ms Chukwu was not able to visit her child, now eight weeks old, until the next morning and could not take him home for a week while doctors kept him under observation. 

Police have now released an e-fit of the suspect. Investigating officer Detective Inspector Paul Ridley admitted:

"The e-fit is our last line of enquiry. We’ve exhausted everything else. We’re appealing for information from friends, relatives and even criminal associates. Given the nature of the act, I’m sure a lot of criminals would have been shocked. We have a woman on the brink of giving birth subjected to an attack like that in broad daylight just for her mobile phone."

The suspect is described as a thin black man aged between 18 and 21 with short dark hair. At the time of the attack, he was wearing a green hooded jumper. Ms Chukwu, who also has a four-year-old daughter, Kika, said:

"I didn’t expect that a heavily pregnant woman in labour would be robbed. My belly would have been huge. As he was robbing me I was begging him, ‘Please, I’m in labour, please’. 
"That boy is wicked and I want  them to catch him before he attacks someone else."

Ms Chukwu also thanked members of the Jewish neighbourhood watch group Shomrim who rushed to her aid following the ordeal. Pinchas Paksher, who was first on the scene to help the woman shortly after the attack, said:

"The thief was heartless, targeting the most vulnerable in society, the victim was on the phone seeking help to arrange transport to hospital when her phone was snatched. I urge anyone with information to call police or Crimestopper"

Source: Evening Standard

Popular Nigerian Actress 'Yvonne Jegede' Rocks Ankara Bikini Ahead Of 33rd Birthday

 The beautiful actress who turns 33 tomorrow 25th August, shared sexy photos in an Ankara bikini .More below

World's Biggest Aircraft Crashes On First Flight

The world's largest aircraft has crashed during its second test flight since being revamped in the UK - damaging its cockpi
The £25million Airlander 10 - a 302ft-long part plane , part helicopter and part airship - was damaged after hitting a telegraph pole.The incident happened at its base at Cardington Airfield, Bedfordshire, this morning, Daily Mirror reports. 
It apparently went into a nosedive - and damage is reportedly "extensive".
Photographs are emerging showing the aircraft on the ground with its nose pointing towards the floor.
Hybrid Air Vehicles, which is developing Airlander 10, issued a statement on Facebook which said: "We're debriefing following the second test flight this morning.All crew are safe and well and there are no injuries."

Usain Bolt's Rio Student Lover Speaks -We Made Love To Rihanna's Work ..

Jady Duarte, 20, who shared snaps which appear to show her kissing and cuddling Usain Bolt, has broken her silence on spending the night with the Olympic ace - claiming he persuaded her to accompany him back to the Olympic Village by using the Google Translate app.

They then allegedly made love in a small single bed, while listening to Rihanna's Work.

On how they met, she told Mailonline they met in Rio's upmarket club All In, and Jady claims the sporting legend slowly made his way over to her group of friends, before shamelessly flashing his impressive six-pack.
"He was stood in front of us and suddenly he pulled up his shirt and showed us his six pack,""I had never seen anything like it. I just had to reach out and stroke it."
Bolt then reportedly asked his bodyguard to invite her over to join him, and while she was hesitant at first, she eventually met him again at the end of the night.
"Finally we were waiting in line for a taxi and he smiled at me and did the famous victory pose so I was in no doubt who he was," "That's was when I decided it was time to give in to him. He pulled me into the taxi and gave me an incredible kiss."
Despite heavy security, Bolt managed to sneak his companion into the Olympic Village on an official bus, and she claimed they kissed the entire way.
The mum-of-two doesn't speak any English, and claimed Bolt used the Google Translate app throughout.

After showering in his room, which is said to have had two small single beds in, the sportsman started playing music on his phone, settling on Rihanna's Work, before they enjoyed a night of passion.
"It was very passionate and hot - we were devouring one another. He has the body of a champion although his male parts do not match - he is just like a regular guy," she claimed.
According to the brunette beauty, they had sex twice over a lengthy period of time, before taking selfies in bed together.
She claims Bolt then gave her a 100 Euro bank note to get a taxi, and promised to call her to arrange another date during the Paralympcs.
"I really thought we had something going," "But now I can see that he picks up women as quickly as he picks up gold medals."

25 People Dies As Earthquake Rocks Central Italy


A powerful earthquake rocked Italy overnight killing at least 22 people. People were crushed by falling buildings and a lot more buried alive under rubble as they slept. The 6.2-magnitude quake hit at around 3.30amlocal time and was so powerful it rocked buildings in the centre of Rome more than 100 miles away and was felt across Italy. As daylight dawned, residents, civil protection workers and even priests began digging out with shovels, bulldozers and their bare hands, trying to reach survivors.

Survivors have described apocalyptic scenes in towns and villages near the city of Perugia - the capital of the tourist-packed Umbrian region, which is especially popular with British holidaymakers. Its epicentre was in Norcia in Umbria, about 105 miles north east of Rome, while the hardest-hit towns were reported as Amatrice, Accumoli and Pescara del Tronto.

As people were carried out of ruined buildings on stretchers and people desperately searched the debris for survivors or sobbed as they inspected their own ruined homes, Mayor of Accumoli, Stefano Petrucci, said this morning: 'My town isn't here anymore'.

"Four people are under the rubble, but they are not showing any sign of life. Two parents and two children."
Rescuers, sniffer dogs and emergency services helped rescue some injured people to safety while the search for more people is ongoing as they heard cries from underneath the earth.

Tourists say they felt the terrifying shock more than 100 miles away in Rome after the quake devastated the areas of Accumoli, Amatrice, Posta and Arquata del Tronto.

The mayor of the small town of Amatrice said there had been extensive damage.

"Half the town is gone," Sergio Pirozzi told RAI state television. "There are people under the rubble... There's been a landslide and a bridge might collapse.
"The aim now is to save as many lives as possible. There are voices under the rubble, we have to save the people there."

He added today: "Now that daylight has come, we see that the situation is even more dreadful than we feared with buildings collapsed, people trapped under the rubble and no sound of life."

Checkout Usain Bolt and His Coach Glen Mills

World's fastest man, Usain Bolt showed off his coach ,Glen Mills and many are surprised because they expected the man behind the world's fastest man to be able to probably run as fast as him.
But ,he is as professional as it gets..Glen Mills  was the head coach of the Jamaican Olympic athletics team between 1987 and 2009. He is also the coach of the second fastest man ever in both 100 m and 200 m,Yohan Blake also from Jamaica.

Monday 22 August 2016

'I'm Dying Of Shame'- Says Student Who Leaked Photos Of Usain Bolt In Bed With Her

A 20-year-old student who appeared in photos in bed with Rio 2016 Olympics hero Usain Bolt says she is 'dying of shame' since the snaps went viral. 
The pictures of the fastest man in the world were shared on Whatsapp by Jady Duarte and have been circulated widely online.
Local newspaper Extra reports that Duarte says that the impact of the pictures has not been good for her,insisting that she just shared the pics among her friends - and that she didn't expect the whole of the world to see them.
She explains:
"It's very negative. I never wanted to be famous, I'm dying of shame."
 "I just sent it to the group of my girlfriends, now you see...
"I just sent and said 'anyone who saw the Olympics will know who is."
Duarte says she was at the club All In in Barra in the West Zone of Rio, with friends when "Bolt spotted her".
"He sent a security guard to call me over. We spoke quickly.
"But at that moment I didn't know it was him, because there were many Jamaicans who looked similar."It was not a big deal. It was normal."I'd rather not talk about it - in order not to complicate matters."Like I said, it was normal."

He was also said to be following her as she was one of  just 104 people he was following - but that 'follow' appears to have since been deleted.